The Year Ahead



Every year I dread February, and this year was no different. However, now that Mandy’s anniversary has passed I feel better. It’s time to face the year and I’m really excited about what is planned. I hope I can get all of you excited also!

In May we have our fourth Mother’s and Father’s Day Brunch.  Our speaker this year is Valerie Weeks who will be speaking about ‘Mindfulness.’ I heard her speak during the summer, and she was great. I knew nothing about Mindfulness, but I do now, and I think it will be very helpful for all of us. Valerie is a very calming person and has great ideas for peacefulness.

In July the National conference is in Orlando. I attended one in Dallas two years ago with Bob, and he went by himself to Phoenix last year – GREAT experience! I hope that people will attend if even for one day.  There will be more information about the conference coming out soon. Sign ups for both the hotel and registration are available here.

Our Chapter is in charge of the Butterfly Boutique, which will be fun. Hopefully people in our chapter will be able to volunteer. In October our chapter will have our walk, picnic, and butterfly release. This has been a special time for many of us, and I hope it remains to be. A wonderful time to share about our wonderful child, sibling, or grandchild. Please plan on joining us so we can hear more about your child, and honor him or her together.


“Our Monthly Luncheons act as a bridge for those who may find the regular meetings too intense, but still want to connect in a social setting with others who have lost a child.”

Lastly, the Worldwide Candle Lighting is in December. This is the most moving event of the entire year, touching each person who is present. Lori will be the chairperson for the Candle Lighting this year and I believe she has some exciting new ideas.

We continue to have our monthly luncheons, which have become extremely popular. They act as a bridge for those who may find the regular meetings too intense, but still want to connect in a social setting with others who have lost a child. If you no longer want or need regular meetings, but would like to meet friends traveling the journey you are on, join us!

Of course, the core of our outreach is the two monthly meetings. After attending for almost eight years, I still find them to be the one thing that helps me through my grief journey. More than anything, I hope those of you who attend are finding comfort and hope as you proceed through the tough times of grief.

I look forward to sharing all of these special times with each of you.




Focusing on How They Lived


More Than a Memory


The Holiday Season